The territorial act of 1792 created the office of county commissioner, and appointed two commissioners with authority to compile tax lists, levy taxes, as well as draft plans for and supervise the construction of a courthouse, jail, pillory, whipping post and several stockades.
The Ohio Constitution of 1802 made no provision for the office – it was not until February 13, 1804, that the board was created by the Ohio General Assembly. This board was comprised of three members, elected to serve three year terms. Early commissioners’ duties included keeping a record of their proceedings, assessing taxes, appointing a county treasurer, and supervising the construction of buildings. Later, the commissioners were given the task of the construction and maintenance of local highways and ditches as authorized by the state general assembly.
Beginning in 1816, with the establishment of county poorhouses, the commissioners began supervising the public welfare work in the county. They were authorized to appoint a board of directors and a superintendent to manage the poorhouse. In 1850, the name was changed to county infirmary, and in 1919 the name was changed once again, to county home. The county home served the county’s needy, aged and infirm. Today, the commissioners still maintain and supervise the county homes where they still exist.
In 1866, the board became responsible for the care for neglected and dependent children as they were authorized to establish and operate children’s homes. Administration of the Children’s Home passed from the jurisdiction of the County Commissioners to a Child Welfare Board in 1946. In 1908, additional powers to administer blind relief and establish a county tuberculosis hospital were given to the commissioners by the legislature. The board received authority to administer aid for the Aged in 1933. The animal control program came under the jurisdiction of the board in 1927 when it was empowered to appoint a county dog warden. Since 1941, the commissioners have adopted, administered, and enforced regulations for the construction, repair, alteration, and maintenance of dwellings in unincorporated areas of the county. This program is administered through a building regulation department.
The Ohio General Assembly delegated to the county commissioners the power to administer zoning laws for the unincorporated areas of the county in 1947. Furthermore, the board was directed to establish rural zoning commissions and a board of zoning appeals. In 1987, the general assembly organized the state into Solid Waste Districts governed by a board of directors. The districts have the responsibility to generate a plan for the disposal of all solid wastes within the borders of the district with the authority to create landfills, incinerators and recycling facilities.
Commissioners are the major appointing authority for boards and commissions that, by statute, operate part of the county programs. These include the Hospital Board of Trustees, the Airport Authority Board, the Board of Mental Health and Recovery and the Board of Developmental Disabilities. Also, all property of the county is held in the name of the Board of County Commissioners.
Today the commissioners are elected to four year terms. Through its approval of the annual county budget and the levying of taxes for county purposes, the board supervises the county’s financial management.
(Source: Ohio County Records Manual, Revised Edition. Ohio History Society aka Ohio History Connection)
To view a listing of the County Commissioners from 1808 to Present, Click Here
Industrial Development Revenue Bonds 1977-1985
Proceedings of the Board of Delaware County Visitors 1899-1913
Index to Commissioners’ Minutes
#1: 1808-1875
#2: 1876-1882
#3: 1883-1887
#4: 1887-1890
#5: 1891-1893
#6: 1893-1897
#7: 1897-1899
#8: 1899-1902
#9: 1902-1903
#10: 1903-1904
#11: 1905-1908
#12: 1908-1911
#13: 1912-1915
#14: 1915-1918
#15: 1918-1926
#16: 1926-1943
#17: 1944-1970
#18: 1970-1991
#19: 1992-1996
Commissioners’ Journal
#1: 1808-1821
#2: 1822-1831
#3: 1831-1840
#4: 1840-1846
#5: 1848-1853
#6: 1854-1865
#7: 1866-1877
#8: 1877-1884
#9: 1884-1892
#10: 1892-1896
#11: 1896-1900
#12: 1900-1905
#13: 1905-1908
#14: 1908-1911
#15: 1912-1915
#16: 1915-1918
#17: 1918-1922
#18: 1922-1926
#19: 1926-1929
#20: 1929-1933
#21: 1934-1938
#22: 1939-1944
#23: 1945-1951
#24: 1952-1957
#25: 1958-1962
#26: 1962-1967
#27: 1967-1972
#28: 1972-1976
#29: 1976-1979
#30: 1979-1982
#31: 1982-1984
#32: 1984-1986
#33: 1986-1988
#34: 1988-1991
#35: 1991-1991
#36: 1992-1994
#37: 1994-1996
#38: 1996-1998
#39: 1998-1999
#40: 1999-2000
#41: 2000-2001
#42: 2001-2002
#43: 2002-2002
#44: 2003-2003
#45: 2003-2004
#46: 2004-2005
#47: 2005-2005
#48: 2006-2006
#49: 2006-2007
#50: 2007-2008
#51: 2008-2008
#52: 2009-2009
#53: 2009-2010
#54: 2010-2010
#55: 2011-2011
#56: 2011-2012
#57: 2012-2012
#58: 2012-2013
#59: 2013-2013
#60: 2013-2014
#61: 2014-2014
#62: 2014-2015
#63: 2015-2015
#64: 2015-2016
#65: 2016-2016
#66: 2016-2017
#67: 2017-2017
#68: 2017-2018
#69: 2018-2018
#70: 2018-2019
#71: 2019-2019
#72: 2019-2020
#73: 2020-2020
#74: 2020-2021
#75: 2021-2021
Journals dating 1999 to the current are available on the Commissioner’s web page